Monday, July 25, 2005

tree 37

Yesterday I went to a Tennessee Smokies baseball game with my friend Tim and his family. I'm not the biggest baseball fan on earth, and I couldn't tell you any players' names on the team. However, the experience turned out to be blog-worthy.
We turned out to be sitting right next to a moderately obscure Christian rock band called "Building 429." We had a couple of good laughs at the name, and Tim's sister semi-met them. They seemed really friendly. I wasn't sure who they were, so I didn't want to be one of those people talking to them, or something.
After the game, a truck pulled out onto the field. A crew set up the stage and equipment, and the band began playing. There was a definite Switchfoot thing happening, but I liked it. The lead singer was like, "Hey, we sort of met you!" And waved up at us.
I suppose the thousand-something teenage youth group boys and girls at the game really enjoyed it. And, I did, too.


Adam said...

good thing they were friendly. i've heard rumors that some "moderately obscure Christian rock bands" can be vicious!

Tiffany said...

I love that you named this post "Tree 37."

Courtney said...

I like some of their songs too. Your blog is so funny and insightful, sometimes when I am reading it I can almost feel like I am visiting your old apartment across the hall from mine in Heritage times.