Monday, July 25, 2005

christopher lee

Originally uploaded by ehiggin.

Last night I was watching a VH-1 show called Best Week Ever. The show takes the most important weekly pop culture events and analyzes them. It's a funny show. Last night's episode picked actor Christopher Lee as having the best week ever. Which is incredible, because I'm going through a Christopher Lee phase right now! With Lord of the Rings, Star Wars III, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, this 83 year old dude is on a roll! And, he deserves it. His rich deep bass voice delivery harkens back to the days when British Shakesperean acting was revered and practiced by the best.

One of my favorite "horror" movies is called The Wicker Man. The leader of the village was, of course, Christopher Lee. This movie was made in the early to mid seventies, so it's a very different version of the actor. But, his demeanor and delivery are the same. Christopher Lee's style is eloquent, classy, and graceful. That's why it's even better when he has to deliver lines like, "Lollipop? Might as well be called 'cavity on a stick'." And, "As you see, my Jedi powers are far beyond yours." I hope Lee continues acting in films 'til he's 90! Click here to check out his profile, including all the movies he's been in.

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