Thursday, July 28, 2005

summer 2002

In the summer of 2002, while I was still in college, I worked at a youth camp called Student Life. Now, for all of you who may have certain images of summer youth camp, let me tell you: times have changed. No longer are kids bunked up in musty log cabins, roasting marshmallows, and (you guessed it) singing kum-ba-ya around the fire. Youth camp is all high-tech now. I was on the acting team.

We had an elaborate set, with high budget lighting. There were two giant screens on either side where films and various footage could be shown. And, graphics and animations made my Student Life.

Yesterday I had the privelage of going up to Covenant College, my old camp stomping grounds. I was visiting my friend Les. (The guy I moved to Cali with. I met him at camp.) We were on the same team that summer.

It was fantastic walking across that campus. There were teenagers running around, and camp was in full swing. I was struck by how much the culture has changed in just three years since I did camp. There are now pink Student Life shirts for the guys! I guess that's the cool thing for the kids these days, guys wearing pink.

The culture among teenagers may always be changing, but the energy does not. Having several hundred or a thousand teenagers together in one place still provides the same supercharge of electricity. I enjoyed it.

I got to see some old faces, and meet some new ones. I bumped into a youth minister I haven't seen in years. I first met in back in 1996 or so, when he was in college. He was excited to see me (and I him). He had many questions for me and the 'ol gang. It was refreshing and unexpected to suddenly be connected with my past in such an obscure way.

There is a weird tower on campus. The school is literally on top of a mountain, so from the inside of this tower, you can see an amazing panoramic of Chattanooga. At the end of summer 2002, a group of us were taken up into this tower. There, in this hot wooden room, we signed our names. Gazing up at that tower last night brought back the crazy memories of signing my name with many others in years past.

I also want to say congratulations to my friend Les. I can't say details now 'cause it's a secret. But, I can elaborate later.

P.S.- The tail lights on my car went out during the trip. So, I had to drive an hour in the dark, on an interstate. But miraculously, I wasn't pulled over by the 50. I want to send a shout out to the public serving and protecting of America's transportation outlets. I'm glad somebody wants to do it!

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