Tuesday, July 12, 2005

the new man

I have a confession to make. I kind of enjoy shopping. I know, it's not the most "manly" thing I could admit, but hey, it's a new era. Friday, I met someone at the mall. I pretty much went crazy because they were having all these end of summer, beginning of fall clothes kind of sales. I wasn't planning on buying anything, I just wanted to meet my friend there. But, I went crazy with a new pair of shoes, pajamas, pants, sandals, and a new shirt. I was racing frantically from store to store, dragging my friend along.

Maybe most men are not as savage as they once were. Most of us are not catching animals in the forest with our bare hands, or hauling giant rocks around like cavemen. We work in offices, and shop in malls. We drive sedans and drink morning coffee. I mean, I like theater, for crying out loud. And I admit, I enjoyed Fever Pitch, with Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon. But, the baseball part was the best. Not the love story.

Wow, this blog took a weird turn. Excuse me, I'm going to go reevaluate my life.


Jessie said...

Just wanted to say hi. The blogging world seems foreign to me after months without the time to read or write in cyberspace, but reading your recent posts has been a delightful re-aquaintance.

Tim said...

I think you and I have the same kind of thing. I admit it as well. I don't like shopping just to look at crap I have no interest in buying...but if I see stuff I like, it suddenly becomes a thrill. What's worse, Evan, is that you and I have bought matching crap before at the same time. Remember the vomit jeans, and the track jackets at American Eagle. Alas!