Thursday, June 30, 2005

Billy Graham at the Rose Bowl

Billy Graham at the Rose Bowl
Originally uploaded by ehiggin.
Last fall, Les and I discovered that Billy Graham was going to speak at the Rose Bowl in L.A. Knowing his age, we wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. We knew it was most likely one of his last speaking engagements, so we drove down there on sunday night.

I'm not sure what I was expecting. I thought it would be emotional, super-spiritual, or a life-shaking experience to watch this legendary man speak. But, it wasn't, really. It was just what it appears to be: a frail old preacher speaking from the pulpit. He was hunched over, holding the sides of the pulpit. His voice was soft and elderly. The simplicity of that was moving.

Les and I had no direction when we got to the Rose Bowl. We had to walk about a mile or so to get there after finding a parking spot. When we entered the actual Rose Bowl, we had no idea where to go. There were no signs or anything. We entered, and found ourselves surrounded and bombarded by Koreans. We were in the Korean vector of the Rose Bowl! We had to stand, and got repremanded by a Crusade worker who didn't want us to stand in that particular spot.

People flooded the field during the altar call, and it was an odd thing. It was surreal to hear Billy Graham up close, calling to the masses. I'm glad I got the chance to do it, especially in light of his recent announcement that his speaking engagements in New York will probably be his last. I deeply respect him, and God has used him tremendously.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I think that it's awesome that you went to hear Billy Graham speak. I would love to do that. I missed out on a chance to hear him in Louisville a couple of years ago. I may not have another chance. Anyway, I was just getting ready to write something about him on my blog when I read yours. Great minds think alike.