Monday, May 23, 2005

Yoda discipline

Originally uploaded by ehiggin.

After seeing Star Wars, I began pondering Yoda's spirituality. He gives Anakin some wise words: you must train yourself to let go of all you care about. Then, you will find freedom from jealousy and pain. It's a very ancient and Eastern Philosphy, rooted in Buddhism and probably further back in Hinduism. It's no surprise to me that George Lucas deliberately incorporated Eastern Philosophy into the latest Star Wars film, as he did in the original trilogy. Most famously, in The Empire Strikes Back, With other Buddhist words of wisdom from Yoda about letting go of earthly desire.

So, where am I going with this? Well, glad you asked. I am reminded of one of my favorite spiritual guide books (outside the Bible, duh.) It's called Celebration of Discipline. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Oh, yeah! I LOVE to celebrate discipline! Why didn't I realize there was a BOOK about it?!?" Well, it's better than it sounds.

It's written by Richard Foster. A Quaker, nonetheless. I love this book. Because, we don't often think of our spiritual lives as something that actually improves by cultivating discipline. But, this book has helped me probably more than any other single devotional book. Don't get me wrong, Celebration of Discipline is not a devotional. It's more like a guide of spiritual cultivation for your life. He ties together meditation, study, and prayer. They are seperate disciplines to be sure, but they all contribute to your overall spiritual unity.

The Jedi would like this book. I wouldn't be surprised if you see it on Obi-Wan' s bookshelf in Star Wars: A New Hope. Seriously, if you spot this book in your local used bookstore, or even if you feel enclined to purchase it on Amazon, it's a good read.


Tim said...

I got my copy of "Celebration of Discipline" back out a few months ago and started reading it. I didn't really read it like I should have in my Spiritual Growth and Development class because I was a slacker, but it really is good. I have to take my time though...there is alot to absorb.

Yoda is my dad.

Charlotte said...

Tim's right, he was a slacker in our Spiritual Growth class...! but I was, too, even though I read the book. I re-read certain selections and I love this book---it has helped me grow spiritually and everyone can benefit from it. read it!