Tuesday, May 17, 2005

miracles happen

Originally uploaded by ehiggin.
A miracle happened in my life today.

I was driving home, after eating lunch. I had just finished a phone interview, and my mind was winding down from answering point blank questions about my college history, career goals, and where-I-see-myself-in-five-years type lingo. I was happily listening to Beck and enjoying the summer sun.

Then, the miracle happened. I saw, on the side of the road, a little table. This road is about a four lane, fairly busy vein of highway. The house was a little one story house, set back a good chunk from the road. What did I spot on the little table? An Atari 2600, amidst a scattered bunch of old junky electronics. I pulled into the driveway, and examined this treasure. There were about 20 vintage Atarti cartridge games, and two paddle controllers. I eagerly rang the doorbell of the little house.

"Yes?" A timid, rather intimidated looking elderly white woman in a night gown answered the door. She eyed me suspiciously.

"Ma'am, I see that you have an Atari from what looks like a yardsale. Still interested in selling it?"

"Well, I suppose. It's my grandson's."

My heart rate quickened. "How much would you take for it?"

"Well, honey, I don't know. 4 or 5 dollars."

4 or 5 dollars. I was having an out-of-body experience. I promptly handed her a $5 from my wallet, and thanked her for her time. I scooped up the Atari, the wires, the controllers, and the bag full of games, and plopped them into the passenger's seat of my wondrous hatchback.

You may not believe this, ladies and gentlemen, but the Atari actually works. I took it home, dusted it off, and was utterly stunned when it worked perfectly. My mother was just somewhat puzzled by my glee. But, learn this lesson: miracles do happen. Wondrous miracles. My Atari 2600 is living proof.

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