Friday, April 29, 2005


Since I began this blog, I have appreciated all the positive feedback from friends and family. I love writing in this blog, and I'm glad to see many friends also starting blogs. Upon moving to Hollywood, so many strange and exciting things happened that I knew I could never tell my friends the stories to do them justice. I also knew mass emails simply weren't enough. So, the blog has been a perfect outlet.

Recently, I wrote a blog about an actor I met named Doug Jones. Apparently, someone read the blog, and word reached Doug's publicist. Eventually, Doug Jones read the blog and loved it! I was told that he shed a single tear. I'm very thrilled that it could have an impact. So, I decided to make this post a mention of my favorite past blogs. Maybe you missed them, or would enjoy re-reading them.

1. Doug Jones

2. 2004

3. Groundlings classes

4. plight of the homeless

5. Emmy party

And, once upon a time, I asked the question which was the most rad: The sitcom Growing Pains, the movie Harry and the Hendersons, or the album Bad by Michael Jackson. It was a tie between Bad and Growing Pains. Three votes each.

Again, thank you for faithfully reading my blog, all 7 of you. *wink*


Jessie said...

I really enjoy your blog as well. I hope you aren't thinking of throwing in the towel or anything crazy like that. I never saw Harry and the Hendersons.

Adam said...

i should hope i'm one of those 7. hey, that's a cool story about doug jones! :)