Thursday, March 30, 2006

functional tree house

This guy I know, who lives in North Hollywood, lives in this...compound. He's lived there with a group of friends for a year or so now. (Maybe longer. Not sure.) He's in a band called The Scene. You can visit their myspace page by clicking here. Anyhoo, Ward wrote me this email today:

"Hmm..I live in a gated, 2 house duplex-type spot we call The Compound,nestled in the mexican ghetto of North Hollywood. We run askateboarding company, two clothing lines, 3 bands, wardrobe stylingand set construction companies out of it. 2 houses, one garage, skateboard halfpipe in backyard, screenprinting press room with a dude that built a shed above it to live in, dude used to live IN the ramp, oneguy in the attic, one in the old laundry room, 2 guys in the loftsabove the garage.. and 3 in real rooms. I used to live in the garageloft room. About 6 months ago, another of our buddies needed a placeto stay so i got the crazy idea to fulfill a childhood dream and builda treehouse.. to live in.WELL.. the link below will show you pictures of me and some budsbuilding it from scratch in a huge tree in the front yard of the gatedCompound. I apologize for myself and other friends lacking qualityappearance and/or having fatrolls but fight through it.. its worth it"

for the link to see the pics of Ward's tree house.


Tiffany said...

Wow! I want to live in a tree house. Well, maybe not, but you have to admit, it would be an awesome story to tell your grandkids, and future grandkid stories are very important. :)

Joie Mayfield said...

Happy Birthday.

jennifer said...

I wonder if they have thought about how the growth of the tree will eventually pull the structure apart. One day I'll get paid to think this way.