Thursday, March 09, 2006


The way I feel right now used to inspire thorough and thoughtful blog entries. These days, however, the emotion just sort of draws me into an awkward blank. My mind is kind of floating, with inspiration, but without the means to grasp the right words. It's kind of an outline for how my life in general is going.

I have actually begun the process of applying to be a mailman!! Isn't that weird? You never know where life may, or may not, take you.

I went hiking a week or so ago in the Great Smokey Mts. It was a beautiful trail that led to an equally beautiful waterfall. The whole experience was very wonderful. The view from the top was expansive, panoramic, and humbling. I felt so small in the face of the hills and mountains. I went with my friend Tiffany. And, yes, I'm wearing a Michael Jordan shirt from 1990.


Anonymous said...

EVAN! I'm going to be in TN next week for a night - Ken and I are driving to ATL and staying one night in Jeff City. Will you be around? I'm so glad you saw my blog with SCC... it truly changed my life... I was like... excuse me? why am i getting saved again?

Adam said...

what trail/park where you in?

btw, you holding that stick reminds me of that treck you and i took to mordor. oh, wait... that was two other people entirely...

Tiffany said...

We have got to go on many, many more trails, just like this one. It was beautiful and so fun.