Wednesday, February 15, 2006

path of potential?

I type on this keyboard, searching for career opportunity. Blankly, I browse numerous jobs for which I am not qualified, nor interested in. Emotionless, irritable, and without a single stirring in my soul, I continue to go through the motions. Like a child swimming aimlessly through the rolling waves of the ocean, my meandering search continues.

It's not a job I'm searching for. This, I've learned recently. Being offered a job, I am second-guessing myself now. It's something more. I guess I'm searching for a career with meaning. Something I'm genuinely good at. Something I can be proud of. Weary from the pressure I put on myself, I am ready to lay down this heavy sceptor of mediocrity and plunge into something passionate. And, if it leads me to the path of destruction and humiliation, then I can say hello to my sincere destiny. Punching through, and forcing this big thing to happen is simply not working. I need to let go, and allow the tide to take me where I should go. Maybe that will start me down the path to reaching my potential.

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