Tuesday, December 13, 2005

hilarious schlock: 2005

Well, another surreal year of pop culture is coming to a close. And, wow, has the mediocrity hit a whole new high.

We saw Michael Jackson dancing like an idiot atop an SUV, while being charged for serving up Jesus Juice to the kiddies. How did he get aquitted? That weird white-haired guy must be a good lawyer after all. A really, really good lawyer. I guess Michael's ending up the year prancing around Switzerland or some place, having snowball fights and eating chocolate with midgets and whatnot.

Thankfully, Ben Aff-FLOP didn't churn out any more unbearable schlock because of his new baby. Guess we'll have to wait til next year for "Daredevil 2", or "Christmas with the Kranks 2." Hm. Can't wait.

While we're on the subject, Ben's old buddy Matt ain't doin' so hot, either. I don't care what anybody says. The last couple years have been rough. Brothers Grimm? Seriously. He must've taken advice from Aff-FLOP about that film choice. And, "Bourne Supremecy"? It would've been better if it hadn't been filmed with a home video camera. Would it have killed them to give Damon's character some dialouge? It should've been called Bourne Stupidity. Or, Bored Supremecy. And this new oil movie? I'd rather watch a movie about carburetors, or something.

Rappers have been about their usual business: being platinum, and telling us all about it. Ok, we get it. You make a great deal of money. Yeah, we know. You own guns.

George Lucas presented us with the last Star Wars ever! At least, until they make the next one. The dialouge still sounds like it was written by an 8th grader for a class project, but at least it was the best one of the new ones.

And, we get to end the year with a new Jim Carrey flop, and a bizarre Peter Jackson King Kong. I liked it better the first time, when it was called...well, King Kong.

Once again, Hollywood has proven they have little or nothing to offer except the same old schlock in new packaging. And, even the packaging isn't that new anymore.

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