Wednesday, October 12, 2005

seriously scary

A couple of days ago, I made some horror recommendations under the "college crowd" category. Well, I've got some more coming your way!

Seriously Scary
This category is for those of you who enjoy watching movies that are purely for the scare factor. Maybe you like getting with your boyfriend/girlfriend, and turning out the lights with one of these terrors. Many people disagree on what really, really scares them, but these three are some of the scariest I've ever seen.

Sissie Spacek is really great! And, freaky. She can sort of set stuff on fire with her mind. But, the weirdest and scariest part of this film is the mom. Ooh, boy, is she freaky. Scares me every time.
Click here to read more about Carrie.

The Exorcist
I declare this the single scariest film I have ever seen. In fact, I'm not even really sure why I'm recommending it. In fact, I'm never going to watch it ever again. It gave me nightmares. You have to respect what it is in order to be scared by it. I once attempted to watch it with a group of college students. So, we all got distracted with talking to each other and chit chatting. So, when really scary parts came up, no one really knew what was happening. But, trust me. It's terrifying. Click here for the official web site.

The Sentinel
This story of a young woman moving into a new apartment is a rather obscure little gem from the 70's. I'm recommending it because, even though it's not super-terrifying, it's still pretty cool. Click here to read more about it.


Tim said...

I thought the Exorcist was pretty scary as well...however, I don't think it terrified me as much as you were Evan. I will say that the most terrified and distrubed I've ever been by a film was probably the movie "Event Horizon". I watched this one in high school, and it gave me nightmares. Of course, you have to be able to get into sci-fi a little...not real extreme sci-fi like Star Trek or something. Anyway, it's dumpin' scary and I will never watch it again. Some of those images haunted my dreams for weeks after watching it!

Jessie said...

The mother in Carrie is definitely disturbing, especially in the end. I haven't seen the others you have listed, but I would like to add that I found Children of the Corn really frightening. I know Tim will make fun of me, but evil children frighten me. Also, Amnityville Horror (the original) is real scary. I mean, come on, there's a portal to Hell in their basement. I think probably the most disturbing film I have seen is The Ninth Gate with Johnny Depp. It's about this group of people searching for this book that contains the way into the gate to Hell (the ninth gate). It's dumped up.