Thursday, April 12, 2007

Pepsi Protection Ninja Squad

Earlier today, I saw that lame Chevy commercial where the guys are getting paid dollars to wash the Chevy truck "in a provocative manner." It took me back to the night of the Superbowl, where everyone waits in anticipation to see the latest Superbowl commercials. And I thought, this was actually a Superbowl commerial? LAME! What about the days of the crazy IBM commercial, or those amazing overblown Pepsi ads? Are those days long gone? Not if I have anything to do with it!

I have an idea for a Superbowl commercial that will change the advertising industry forever. It should go down in history as the greatest Superbowl commercial ever conceived.

It goes something like this:

A young guy is sitting outside at a coffee shop reading a newspaper. he has a Pepsi sitting next to him on the table. An older gentlemen walking his golden retriever walks by, and notices the Pepsi sitting there unattended. While the guy is distracted with the newspaper, the older man decides to swipe the Pepsi!

Quickly, he begins walking down the sidewalk with the Pepsi, giggling.

Suddenly, a helicopter descends from the sky, and a group of ninjas repel from it.One of the ninjas does some back handsprings toward the older gentlemen who stole the Pepsi. The ninja grabs it, and leaps back to the table from which it was stolen.

Tom Cruise enters frame in a three piece suit, with mic in hand. "Has this ever happened to you? Then allow the 'PEPSI PROTECTION NINJA SQUAD' to protect YOUR Pepsi!"

Okay, so it's a work in progress. But, it has potential, right? I think it's better than some Superbowl commercials I've seen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Does it have to be Tom Cruise? Really?