Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Doug is still out there!

I recently got an Email from Doug Jones about his recent Academy Awards experience. He got to grace the ceremonies with his presence, and he was very excited about it. Congratulations, Doug! Go here to see Doug on his official web site.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Find Your Spot

I thought I would tell you all about one of my favorite web sites.It's called Find Your Spot.Com, and it's a lot of fun. You take a questionnaire about your personal preferences in living environment. Then, out of thousands of cities, it tells you the top ones that fit your criteria. And, it's free. I've gone to the site several times over the years, and it never gets old.

Friday, February 16, 2007

woody allen

Netflix has afforded me the luxury of going through a Woody Allen phase. With the ability to watch many films throughout the week, I have broadened my horizons.

I used to be turned off by Woody Allen's quirky style and odd choices. In the last year, however, I have truly developed an appreciation of his work. Bold, different, and often eccentric, Allen explores new territory in every film. He almost always writes and directs everything he makes, thus adding his signature to every movie.

When I was younger, I made the mistake of trying to watch Don't Drink The Water. I was in the stage version in college, so it made sense to do the research. Or, so I thought. I was already predisposed to not like Woody Allen, so I wasn't looking forward to sitting through this schlock. Boy, was I right. I couldn't sit through the whole mess. Disheveled and rambling, it's obvious that Woody Allen gave his film cast full improvisation freedom. They constantly deviate from the script, on long weird rants that are simply unwatchable.

But enough negative. That was a few years ago. Recently, I've watched Annie Hall, Crimes and Misdameanors, Scoop, and Matchpoint. These films are my favorites out of what I've seen. unpredictable. Filled with rich characters, twists, and a unique approach to filmmaking, these films stand out. Woody Allen himself is funny and gifted with improv.

I'm still watching more of his films, but these are my favorites to date.