Friday, February 23, 2007

Find Your Spot

I thought I would tell you all about one of my favorite web sites.It's called Find Your Spot.Com, and it's a lot of fun. You take a questionnaire about your personal preferences in living environment. Then, out of thousands of cities, it tells you the top ones that fit your criteria. And, it's free. I've gone to the site several times over the years, and it never gets old.


Jessie said...

My spots are Ashville, NC, Knoxville, TN, and Frederick, Maryland. How 'bout yours? said...

Evan, thanks so much for referring to on your blog. Please write me at if you are interested in a free, full-access membership ($9.95). I'd love to set you up with one. With it you can check out all 530+ city reports that we have. Have a great day.
Lizzy Scully
Managing Editor