Tuesday, November 30, 2004

now is the time

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Evan, and I am a starving artist. I went to Carson-Newman college in Jefferson City, Tennessee. Now, I reside in the giant mecha of Los Angeles, California. More specifically, Studio City, California. yup, this town will chew you up and spit you out without a second thought. i'm 25 years old, and I having a college degree in Communications. I almost had a Religion degree, but missed it by one class. That's right,...literally one class. But, it's ok.
I want this site to be a glimpse into my life and times here in Hollywood. I may include excerpts from my very personal daily journal. There are many incredible tales to tell, and I want people to hear my story. It's the story of a free soul, roaming through this great nation of ours in search of fulfilling a hunger. The hunger is to become that thing which every artist senses, but can't place a finger on. It's a romantic experience, wrought with excitement, disappointment, frustration, and sheer joy. This experience has taken me from the tip top ecstacy of cloud nine, to the depths of the darkest discouragement and lonliness. But, don't be confused: I'm not bipolar. it's just all part of the quest of a wandering soul to find God's purpose in the beauty of the land, and acting out the will of God in relation to fellow man. I hope you're interested in hearing my story.

1 comment:

Joie Mayfield said...

Evan, it was good to hear from you. May your thoughts flow free and clear on your happy new blog. :)