Monday, June 25, 2007

Presidential Race 2008

Hey, loyal blog readers! I've been doing some research on the internet lately, just for this blog post.

Even though the 2008 Presidentail election is over a year away, the media is already buzzing. Candidates are hitting the campaign trail, and the ads have already begun.

YouTube is a great resource for listening to each candidate, and finding several clips of each candidate.

And in THIS corner we have: The DEMOCRATS!

Here are links to the official sites of each major candidate:
Hillary Clinton Official Site
Hillary Clinton's YouTube page

Barack Obama Official Site
Barack Obama's YouTube page

John Edwards Official Site
John Edwards YouTube page

Joe Biden YouTube page
Joe Biden

And in THIS corner we have: The REPUBLICANS!

Rudy Giuliani Official Site
Rudy Giuliana YouTube page

Mitt Romney Official Site
Mitt Romney YouTube page

John McCain Official Site
John McCain YouTube page

Fred Thompson Official Site

You can research all the past Presidents at the official white house site here.

With the advent of the internet, no one has an excuse for being uninformed anymore. Check it out!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

where do you stand?

In today's politically turbulent climate, it's hard to know where you stand. I found some useful political quizzes online. These quizzes evaluate your personal politics.

This one looks low budget, but the quiz is thorough and accurate.

This one is funnier, with a more entertaining format.

I found both useful in evaluating my personal politics. Everyone should have their own opinions!